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题目要求:自拟题目写一篇 100 ~ 120 字的短文,谈谈写英语日记好处

It is good to keep a diary in English.

Keeping a diary in English does a great deal of good to my English study. Keeping a diary can help you review all the English knowledge you have learned. For example, you must know the correct spelling of each word needed in the diary; you must use the phrases correctly and choose the suitable sentence patterns, meanwhile, it is also necessary to use you knowledge of grammar in a correct way.

Keeping a diary can help you not only to console your knowledge of English, but to form the habit of thinking in English. Practice makes perfect. By and by, your English writing will be greatly improved.




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People always say that we are lacking of the eyes of realizing the beauty in life. I cant agree with it anymore. Last week, I woke up very early in the morning, so I decided to take a walk. The street was very quiet and there were many old people dancing in the square. Without many cars, I realized the city looked so clean and beautiful. Some coffee shops decorates so well, which attrated my eyes. The city was coverd by the green trees, which made it a green city. I liked this feeling so much. At this moment, I found the city was so lovely, I just ingored its beauty usually.





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Set great store by friendship.


Between friends all is common.


Old friends and old wine are best.

陈酒味醇, 老友情深。

The friendship of a gentleman is insipid as water.


A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.

海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。

Most mens friendships are too inarticulate.


Friendship is like a plant of slow growth.

友谊像生长着的植物, 是慢慢地建立起来的。

A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.

好书如挚友, 情谊永不渝。

A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn.

路遥知马力, 日久见人心。

I like a simple friend, who holds my faults like a looking glass before my face.

我喜欢这样的朋友, 他对我的缺点就像照镜子一样直言不讳。

It is well that there is no one without a fault, for he would not have a friend in the world .

世界上没有不犯错误的人. 想交没有错误的朋友, 你就没有朋友。

It is only the greathearted who can be true friends; the mean and the cowardly can never know what true friendship is.

只有伟大胸怀的人才是真正的朋友; 平庸和怯懦之辈决不可能了解真正友谊的含义。

No man can be happy without a friend, nor be sure of his friend till he is unhappy.


Nothing makes the earth seem to spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.

远方的朋友能使世界变得非常宽阔; 他们组成了经纬度。

Of our mixed life two quests are given control: food for the body, friendship for the soul.

在复杂的生命中, 有两点要牢记:为生存需要吃饭, 而心灵需要友谊。

The best that we find in our travel is an honest friend. He is a fortunate voyager who finds many.


The making of friends who are real friends, is the best token we have of a mans success in life.


The more we love our friends, the less we flatter them.

对朋友爱得越深, 奉承得就越少。

The smell of coin is often the knell of friendship.


The true friendship seeks to give, not take; to help, not to be helped; to minister, not to be ministered unto.

真正的友谊追求的是给予, 而不是索取; 是帮助别人, 而不是被人帮助; 是为人服务, 而不是被人服务。

To prepare a friend, three things are required: to honor him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities.

维护朋友, 有三件事情要做到:当面要尊重他, 不在场时要表扬他, 苦难时要帮助他。

Choose thy friends like thy books, few but choice.

选择朋友要像选书那样, 数量要少, 但质量要精。

My friend is not perfect—nor am I—and so we suit each other admirably.


For a congenial friend a thousand toasts are too few; in a disagreeable conversation one word more is too many.




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Green said:

"Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority."

Blue interrupted:

"You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without my peace, you would all be nothing."

Yellow chuckled:

"You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun."

Orange started next to blow her trumpet:

"I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins. Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes, and papayas. I dont hang around all the time, but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you."

Red could stand it no longer he shouted out:

"I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood - lifes blood! I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to fight for a cause. I bring fire into the blood. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon. I am the color of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy."

Purple rose up to his full height:

He was very tall and spoke with great pomp: "I am the color of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs, and bishops have always chosen me for I am the sign of authority and wisdom. People do not question me! They listen and obey."

Finally Indigo spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination:

"Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace."

And so the colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own superiority. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.

In the mids




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“We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite…”

I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.

We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

I want the future to be better than the past. I don’t want it contaminated by the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will spend the remainder of our lives.

The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. The future is before us and dynamic. Everything we do will affect it. Each day brings with it new frontiers, in our homes and in our business, if we only recognize them. We are just at the beginning of the progress in every field of human endeavor.









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Friendship is, lock, lock two people tightly together; Friendship is, candy, let two people taste the taste of happiness, friendship is priceless, and everyone needs it.

Friendship this lock, lock me with another person together, care about each other, help each other.

Friendship, it is like the red sun, lighting up our growth path; It is like sweet dew, thirst for us; It is like the flash, the brightest star, every night, always silently bless us in heaven.

Friendship, high-sounding name! It with our growth, accompanies us to play... Friendship is priceless, how much money can not buy back.

Who cannot leave the friendship, cherish!








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The word “friendship” covers a wide range of meanings. But it should be helpful, loyal and sincere.

Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single-handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others, good friends are always ready to help you. Like the saying goes “ A friend in need is a friend indeed”, treasure is not always a helpful friend, but a helpful friend is always treasure.

With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is sad and unfortunate. A friend is a listener when we meet with troubles. A friend is also a companion to share our happiness. With the same goal, we encourage each other to pursue our dreams.we should cherish our valuable friends for ever.

But how to make friends and keep the friendship.

Firstly,Talk To Lots of People.

Make small talk with the people you meet. Break the ice by asking them questions like "Where do you live?" or "What do you do?". Compliment them, by saying "I like your shoes. Where is it from?". This is a conversation starter and everyone likes to be complimented!

Then,Spend Time Together.

After youve identified some potential friends, its time to make a small gesture. Send a birthday card. Invite her out to dinner.Let us know what we are interested each other. Activities such as shopping, going to the cinema and discussing the film afterwards, or reading the same books are helpful at this stage of a friendship because they allow you to discover each others attitudes and find some common ground.

At last,Make Friends Your Priority.

If having friends is important to you, you must make time for it in your busy schedule. Make friendship a priority in your life. At the same time, be willing to take some risks in your quest for new friends. Tell yourself youve got nothing to lose, and the lifelong benefits of friendship to gain.



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It is a good idea to communicate and make friends with others. Nobody with a head on his shoulder is unwilling to have one or more friends.

First, you may learn to say hello to your classmates. With a smile on face, you are more attractive. The student sitting next to you is most likely to become your friend because your friend because there are more chances for you to carry on a conversation with him or her.

Secondly, you may try to ask questions. A good way to let other people know that you are interested in them is to ask about what they like and what they think. It is important for you to be a good listener. Anyone likes to have a friend to talk to. If he or she finds you are easy to talk to, they would have you as their friends. But do remember: look at people while they are talking and concentrate on what they are saying.

Thirdly, try to be a friend in need. A warm-hearted man is easy to develop a friendship with others since he offers help to those in trouble.

Finally, you should know that friendship can not be built in one day. Be patient when you try to know someone and five him or her tie to know about you.

I hope it will be of some help to you.









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Friendship is very important to ones life. Friendship is like sunshine. It brings us warmth and happiness. When we meet with difficulties, our friends will come to help us. A saying goes,"A friend in need is a friend indeed."

Nobody would refuse a real friend, but friendship is like every living thing that needs nourishment. Only with constant care will the tree of friendship be ever green.





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Panda—the National Treasure

Panda is one of the scarcest animals.People in the world like it very much.There used to be many pandas in China long ago.As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer,pandas became less.But at present,the number of pandas is increasing year by year.There are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.

Nowadays,the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan.There is a research centre for nature and wild life there.Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.



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Everyone needs friendship.No one can sail the ocean of life single handed.We need help from,and also give help to,others.In the modern age,people attach more importance to relations and connections.A man of charisma has many friends.His power lies in his ability to give.

The term,friend,covers a wide range of raeanings.It can be a nodding acquaintance,a comrade,a confident,a partner,a playmate,a brother,an intimate etc.

As life is full of strife and conflict,we need friends to support and help as out of difficulties.Our frinods give us warnings against danger.True friends share not only joy but,more often than not,they share sorrow.

With friendship,life is happy and harmonious.Without friendship,life is hostile and unfortunate.I have friends in the rank and file.Some are rich and in power.Some are low and common.Some are like myself,working as a teacher,reading and writing and content with the simple life we have.To many of my friends,I know what to treasure,what to tolerate and what to share,I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends.I will not he cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them,even if it is only a comforting word.



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Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we

need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.

Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.

Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior ability and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.







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Ms Jerry is a foreign teacher. She oomes from New Zealand. She is thirty-one years old. She has fair hair, white skin and gray eyes. She is tall and slim. She looks very kind. And in fact, she is kind indeed.

Ms Jerry is a good teacher. Although she only comes to our school twice a week, yet she is very responsible to her work and strict with her students. Once. she was ill, but she went on giving us lessons. When we learned this, we all listened to her even more attentively than usual.

Ms Jerry teaches us English with great enthusiasm:" Eaoh lesson she Will bring us new pictures, new stories, new games and new songs. Her class is always full of happy laughter and merry songs.

Ms Jerry is such a good teacher that all of us love and respect her.
